Many individuals claim to transport a piano securely, but few indeed are. When you face relocating a valuable item, such as a piano, you must be confident in the individuals you employ. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine which firms can be trusted and which cannot. With the ease with which websites can now be created on the internet, merely reading reviews on Google will not provide you with the full picture. It’s difficult to know who has the experience and competence to move to your delicate piano. When choosing a piano mover, keep the following three things in mind:
If you have questions concerning your piano mover, call Forte Piano Movers at 412-756-6399.
Hours of operations:
Mon 7am – 7pm
Tue 7am – 7pm
Wed 7am – 7pm
Thu 7am – 7pm
Fri 7am – 7pm
Sat 7am – 7pm
Sun 7am – 7pm